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"Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home."
~Edith Sitwell~

Cozy Up

There are many places to choose from for your family's next winter adventure. So why choose Green Acres Ranch located in Thompson Falls Montana? Because it is one of the most peaceful and magical places to visit in the Winter.


Here at Green Acres Ranch you are surrounded with snow capped mountains, pine tree limbs waiting down with glistening snow, and fields covered in the snow that look like diamonds as the sun shines. There are places made for those with a winter soul. Places that speak to those with adventure in their heart and powder play throughout the day and when you settle in for the night, your heart is full as you relax near a wood burning stove sipping on a hot toddy, tea or good old hot coco. If you haven’t found that place, Montana is calling.


From breathtaking mountain vistas to sweeping plains with the small town of Thompson Falls charm where there are incredible experiences found around every corner. Combine endless adventure and spectacular views of winter within the backyard of Green Acres Ranch where we have a snow-covered paradise. It’s Quiet, Peaceful and Relaxing. It’s a Safe Place to Be with Family.

montana lodge
Montana Winter
winter in montana
Montana winter sunset
snow hiking montana Green Acres Ranch
winter in thompson falls
horse back riding green acres ranch
snowshoeing green acres ranch
Thompson falls snowshoeing
montana mountain views
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